
Petramundi serves as a landmark for the global jewellery industry.
The range of materials,
the expertise and competence of generations of passionate gemologists and exceptional technical skills, position Petramundi today among the most qualified companies in the processing and marketing of colour gems worldwide.

Petramundi - Heritage

“The art of standing out is born from the extraordinary experience acquired in tens of years of strict research and selection of gems.” Rocco Gay

Petramundi - Heritage

Petramundi in the mines – Selection of rough gems

Petramundi - Heritage

Pietro Gay - Minas Gerais, Brasile


Petramundi serves as a landmark for the global jewellery industry.
The range of materials,
the expertise and competence of generations of passionate gemologists and exceptional technical skills, position Petramundi today among the most qualified companies in the processing and marketing of colour gems worldwide.

“The art of standing out is born from the extraordinary experience acquired in tens of years of strict research and selection of gems.” Rocco Gay

Petramundi in the mines – Selection of rough gems

Pietro Gay - Minas Gerais, Brasile

Petramundi - Heritage
Petramundi - Heritage


“A family heritage preserved from generation to generation.”

An unprecedented know-how, the richness of raw materials selected with care, processed and cut with attention and in a scrupolous manner represent Petramundi's distinctive elements that create an incomparable whole of values that can satisfy the needs of the most meticulous customers.

Petramundi - Heritage

The first invoices - 1930

Petramundi - Heritage

A selection of rough Tanzanite – Arusha, Tanzania

Petramundi - Heritage

Rough gems selected by Petramundi expert hands


It is fascinating to transform the precious treasures of nature in products of art.” Pietro Gay

Petramundi is a synthesis of matters search, of style research and creative development for new ideas of design that will embody in shapes and colours of the gems, the alive hard-core of the jewel. A sensory harmony that does materialize in the luminescence of its facets, in the calibration of volumes and shapes.

Vision - Petramundi
Vision - Petramundi
Vision - Petramundi
Vision - Petramundi
Vision - Petramundi


Petramundi select and purchase its rough and raw materials directly from the extraction sites in strict respect of the ”supply chain due diligence” cibjo


Petramundi produce its gems within its own lapidary factories in valenza, bangkok and genève, guaranteeing full traceability from rough till finished gem through our «petramundi blockchain» system.


Each gem originate within our “petramundi chain of custody” and all its characteristics are accessible online through its individual qr code and guaranteed with a laser inscription engraved on the gem.


Petramundi transfers the principles of its vision in a clear and concrete method: an extremely professional consultancy that does steer the client’s particular needs towards the selection of the most adequate and appropriate gemstone.


Petramundi transfers the principles of its vision in a clear and concrete method: an extremely professional consultancy that does steer the client’s particular needs towards the selection of the most adequate and appropriate gemstone.